Feeding Our Neighbors through COVID-19
Many of our local families are struggling through the affects of COVID-19: closed schools, job loss, and uncertainty. We're here to help!
We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!
For many children in poverty, school is the only place where they can count on a regular meal every day. Now that many schools are closing over the next several weeks, get in touch with your local organizations to find out how you can help make sure these kids eat at home while schools are closed.
Then, many of our friends and neighbors were laid off when bars and eateries closed down. Everyone is hurting right now.
We are doing our part by providing boxes of produce for families in Pontiac.
A box sponsorship is $10. Proceeds provide a box of food to a family. One box per family per week.
All unused proceeds (which we are hoping there won't be any) will continue to supply our community with low-cost, healthy foods.